Kloster Scheyern

A long and proud brewing tradition: beer has been brewed at Scheyern Abbey since 1119. This makes the monastery brewery one of the oldest breweries in the world. Regional ingredients and masterly brewing skills make the monastery beers a very special treat.  


After decades of leasing, the monastery brewery began in 2006, to revive the old brewing tradition behind monastic walls. Adverma was commissioned to create a new corporate design, not only the logo, but also all print media, including, of course, labels, crown caps and beer coasters, and also includes the monastery brewery’s digital presence. The new design was intended to do justice to the extensive heritage the traditional art of brewing and regional ties.

The challenge

How do you combine traditional craftsmanship and the high quality standards of the monastery brewery’s products in an appealing design? It was particularly important to us to focus on the core elements of the brewery in the design: The aim was to preserve the regionality and the historical background and yet, to create a fresh contemporary look in advertisements, for example. The various design elements had to be harmoniously integrated, to create a coherent brand identity across all communication channels.

Our solution

High-quality materials and precise execution formed the foundation for the communication measures of Klosterbrauerei Scheyern. The high quality standards, both for its own products and for the design, is also reflected in the choice of color: Gold for the brewery’s “liquid gold”. In combination with dark backgrounds or as elegant foil embossing on labels, our print materials our print materials fit seamlessly into the first-class range of beers, liqueurs and brandies from the monastery brewery, liqueurs and brandies from the Klosterbrauerei.